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Energy cost measuring device "EGM-PWML" USB with memory - Discover power guzzlers

- Gembird -

    Shipping from: Germany
    Condition: New
34,17 €
29,48 €
    Delivery time: 5-7 working days, free shipping, only EU

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Energy cost meter
"EGM-PWML" USB with memory

Discover the power guzzlers in the household

With the energy cost measuring device from EnerGenie (Gembird) you can identify the cost-intensive power guzzlers in households and at work. It gives you an insight into the current energy consumption: voltage, instantaneous consumption, total consumption.

A power manager software helps to calculate the exact energy costs of the electronic devices. The software reads the normal consumption values ​​(home use) and also advanced values ​​(economy/science).

energy logo

- Accuracy: 2% (with 50W - 2500W)
- Current (maximum): 10A
- Max power: 2500W
- USB port: 1.1 - 2.0
- Operating temperature: 10 - 40 °C
- Compatible: Windows XP/2000/Vista/Windows 7/8

No permanent connection to the computer is required for checking. The device saves the determined data for up to 24 hours in the integrated memory .

Gembird was founded in the Netherlands in 1997. The company for peripherals and accessories advertises with innovation, quality and sophistication, placing great value on wireless and Bluetooth technologies. The variety of products ranges from audio accessories to mice, keyboards, controllers to mounts and laptop coolers.

product data
Manufacturer/Supplier: Gembird, EnerGenie
Type/model/series: EnerGenie EGM-PWML USB,
Energy Meter USB with memory
Colour: black
Dimensions: approx. 9.2 x 13.5 x 7.8 cm (W x H x D)
Weight: about 0.300kg
Memory (onboard): 128 KB

USB port: 1.1 - 2.0
Power Source: AC-In 50-60Hz, 220-240V (AC)

Article number: HO10001100
Identifier: 8716309067355
Gembird logo

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