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Laptop table "Omnible" with mouse shelf - adaptable & foldable

- InnovaGoods -

    Shipping from: Spain
    Condition: New
35,00 €
29,90 €
    Delivery time: 5-7 working days, free shipping, only EU

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"Omnible" laptop table with
mouse tray

Adjustable & foldable

The adjustable multifunctional table "Omnible " made of aluminum is ideal for working with a laptop or tablet, as a shelf when eating or as a lectern. on the sofa or in bed - thanks to the adaptable design, it can be used in a variety of situations and positions .

two legs with three points of articulation can be rotated over 360 degrees and are adjustable in height and inclination . On a chair or on the floor, lying, sitting and standing - the table is easily portable, extremely flexible and very flexible to use. He finds the optimal setting for every imaginable situation.

An additional shelf for the mouse complements the table in a useful way. The aluminum base with perforations favors ventilation and reduces heat generation.

With multiple orders (2 or 3) of the product you get 10% on this article! Just enter the code at checkout: DISCOUNT10

- High quality, resistance and durability
- Type: Bendable / Multi-position / Multi-function
- Customizable to a variety of areas
- Air vents
- Additional shelf for the mouse
- 2 foldable legs
- Adjustable height
- Angular range
- 360 degree rotatable
- Max supported weight: 15 kg
- Convenient and user-friendly
- Compact, reduced size
- Little need for space
- Effortless to carry and store

Innovagoods was founded in 1990 and since then has been active as a manufacturer and supplier of an innovative, high-quality and constantly growing range: cooking, household goods, sports, beauty products, etc. With factories in China and the logistics center in Valencia (Spain), the Spanish company exports to more than 100 countries.

product data
Manufacturer/Supplier: InnovaGoods
Model/Series: Adjustable Laptop Stand Omnible
Material: aluminum
Dimensions: approx. 49 x 53 x 26 cm
Weight: approx. 1.550 kg

Article number: HO10000210
Identifier: 8435527817404

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