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Fußstütze von Fellowes - Entlastung von Beine, Rücken & Nacken | Maicona
Fußstütze von Fellowes - Entlastung von Beine, Rücken & Nacken | Maicona
Fußstütze von Fellowes - Entlastung von Beine, Rücken & Nacken | Maicona
Fußstütze von Fellowes - Entlastung von Beine, Rücken & Nacken | Maicona

Fellowes footrest relaxes legs and feet - Multi-adjustable

- Fellowes -

    Shipping from: Germany
    Condition: New
37,50 €
31,90 €
    Delivery time: 5-7 working days, free shipping, only EU

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Footrest by Fellowes
relaxes legs and feet

Multiple adjustable

Whether you're sitting for a long time in front of the computer, the laptop, working at the desk in the office, in the home office or during gaming sessions - the practical footrest from Fellowes ensures a comfortable feeling in legs and feet.

Achieve a good sitting position and take the pressure off your legs, back and neck or lumbar spine. The brace promoted blood circulation in the legs. The nubbed and non-slip surface also creates a massage effect and additional relaxation.

The foot wonder can be adjusted in two height steps (85 or 105 mm) and the angle of inclination can also be adjusted to up to approx. 25 degrees . The footrest is 42.5 x 30 cm.

The item conforms to BS EN ISO 9241 / approved by FIRA International Ltd.

product info
Manufacturer/Supplier: Fellowes

Type / model / series: 48121-70 standard footrest
Material: plastic
Colour: black
Dimensions: approx. 44.8 x 7.4 x 33 cm
(W x H x D)
Weight: about 1.3kg

Item number: HO10001270
Identifier: 0077511481215
Fellowes logo

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