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BestStyle -
Die Wohlfühloase
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The highly effective "Pore-Off" electric facial cleanser eliminates blackheads and removes dirt, oil and dead skin from the face by suction. It defeats even the most stubborn blackheads. Ideal for the T-zone (front of the nose) where most blackheads are found.
How to use: Simply press the power button and use slow, circular motions around the face without applying too much pressure. It is advisable to warm the area before treatment. With four different heads that can be used depending on the desired function and area of application.
- Modern and ergonomic design
- Deep facial cleansing
- Natural, free from chemical products
- Button: On/Off
- Lightweight, handy and easy to use
- Compact, reduced size
- Ideal for all skin types
Four interchangeable heads
- Microcrystals: removing dead skin
- Large, round attachment: Removes blackheads, grease and cosmetic residue
- Small, round attachment: Removes blackheads around the eye contour and
sensitive areas
- Oval attachment: anti-wrinkle for eyes, mouth, nose and throat
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