Battery Disposal Instructions

General information on the disposal of
batteries and accumulators

Batteries and rechargeable batteries are part of everyday life. Thanks to them we can numerous
Use devices mobile and independent of the power grid. Nevertheless, aspects
of environmental and resource protection must be taken into account. they contain
Valuable materials, but can also contain substances that are hazardous to health and the environment
include. They therefore do not belong in the household waste under any circumstances .

Used batteries and accumulators - for example, also damaged used batteries and
Button cells – must not be disposed of with household waste (e.g. residual waste, packaging waste) or
even carelessly into the environment. This is also indicated by the crossed out symbol
dustbin on the batteries or on the packaging. They are
fed to a separate collection, so that a pollutant distribution in the
Environment and possible fires are avoided and valuable raw materials
can be recovered.

Distributors (dealers) of batteries are obliged to dispose of used batteries free of charge
take back end users. On the other hand, end users are legal
obliged to dispose of all used batteries from the battery distributors or the
To be handed over to the collection points of the municipal recycling depots/mobile pollutants.

There are around 200,000 collection points where consumers
Consumers can dispose of used batteries. The collection points in the trade
can be found wherever new batteries are sold: For example in

supermarkets, drugstores, department stores, electronics stores,
hardware stores and gas stations. The municipalities also take
Return used batteries and accumulators, for example to recycling depots. Plus there is
Companies, authorities, associations and often universities that volunteer
set up collection points.

The collection points for used batteries in stores (supermarkets, electronic
Specialist shops, ...) are often located in the entrance or exit area,
for example in the area of ​​the packing tables, where other waste such as
Paper, cardboard boxes and packaging waste are collected separately.
(Source: Federal Environment Agency)

ss-15-battery law-battg

symbols on batteries

Have the symbols shown on the batteries
the following meaning:

The symbol of the crossed-out wheeled bin means that the battery must not be disposed of with household waste.

Pb = battery contains more than 0.004% lead by mass
Cd = battery contains more than 0.002 percent by mass
Cadmium Hg = Battery contains more than 0.0005 percent by mass of mercury.

Batteries and rechargeable batteries that are sold in the online shops of the Maicona shopping mile in the
range can be purchased or have been purchased free of charge at
returned to our business address in Wilhelmshaven .
note the above instructions.

Thanks very much!